Connecting kids
to life-saving
heart care

Improving medical outcomes & quality of life

Graceful Heart partners with providers, government, non-profit organizations, and technology companies to help reduce hospitalization rates, enhance multi-disciplinary healthcare approach, and improve the quality of life for pediatric cardiology patients and their families.

Connection Kits

Cardiac Connection kits puts better care within reach

Graceful Heart’s Cardiac Connection Kits make it possible for pediatric cardiology patients to participate in virtual visits with their healthcare providers.


We seek partnerships with companies who want to help parents and caregivers of critically ill children obtain medical care.


Partnerships with hospital systems and clinicians are fundamental to making a meaningful difference in the lives of cardiac kids & their families.


The fight for your child’s survival affects the entire family. Living in a state of persistent uncertainty, one little thing can change a lot of things.

Your Support Makes A Difference

Hoosier kids need our help to get life-saving care for their heart conditions.
With gifts from generous individuals, businesses, and organizations like you, Graceful Heart puts cardiac care within reach for kids across Indiana.