Technology Provider

Arming Little HEart Warriors

Provide technology & support to battle heart disease.

We seek partnerships with companies who want to help parents and caregivers of critically ill children obtain life-saving medical care.

Many children with Congenital Heart Defects (also classified as Congenital Heart Disease) have underlying medical conditions, chromosomal anomalies, and/or related complications. This results in many subspecialty care needs and seemingly endless follow-up appointments. Attending in-person appointments presents numerous physical, financial and emotional challenges… and virtual visits can relive many of them. Telemedicine also provides the benefit of multi-disciplinary collaboration, generating optimal outcomes.

Internet Access

Reliable internet is an essential element of telemedicine. Service providers are needed based on the geographical location of the patient.

Equipment & Apps

WiFi compatible devices, portable medical-grade instruments and supporting applications that capture real-time diagnostic data is needed. This streamlines medical decision making by instantly transmitting information to the clinician.

IT Support

Effectively utilizing the technology is crucial to virtual appointment participation. Consulting services are needed to help caregivers overcome tech challenges.

Tech literacy is a primary challenge within underserved communities. Having internet and equipment means nothing if the patient or caregiver doesn’t know how to connect. Fear of using technology is reduced when step-by-step phone support is available.

When the device is presented to the patient, Graceful Heart Foundation will provide in-person instruction, hard-copy instructions, and send links to how-to videos. While these resources should answer many questions, immediate phone-based tech aid is invaluable. Patients must be able to capture and upload recorded health information, as well as login to their provider’s patient portal.